It's like I've bought into this faulty idea from society that if I play all my cards right, live up to my potential and continually strive to improve my life I will be happy all the time. Everyday will be magical, full of white light and rainbows. Synchronistic events will continue to unfold and life will look like a techocolor movie and I will be the protagonist. Meanwhile back in Jeanne land, I wake up to mixed emotions and some lingering sadness and fear, but ultimately I feel hopeful.
This really should be good enough. It works in the ocean and large bodies of water, the tides fluctuate in temperature, and lakes have warm and cool currents. I'm always happy and at peace in lakes in the summer and I appreciate swimming through water that has been warmed by the sun and the refreshing cooler water. So why can't I accept this in my own mental state?
I'm a moody, colourful, messy artist. Life is amazing, but it's bittersweet. I've won at love and I've lost. I'm alone, figuring out my career and how to be happy as a single person. Yet, I expect perfection from myself, a level of mastery over my thoughts and emotions that seems to be constantly evading my grasp.
The problem comes down to lack of acceptance and an unrealistic expectation that I should be happy all the time or else I'm at risk of a depressive relapse. Of course thats a scary thing to have to contend with because its been literal hell in the past. Depression is like being stuck in a thunderstorm, and taking shelter under a boulder, only to realize I'm drenched, freezing and trapped. My soul cry out in agony as I await a guide to lead me to higher ground.
With this past experience, its not surprising that I don't like feeling tired, sad or scared. Unfortunately for me this is part of life, and I refuse to give into the thought that I can't handle the cooler waters that are a realistic part of the human experience. I need to accept that waking through adversity with self compassion is the path to freedom.
Without acceptance, there is no recovery. Life becomes a constant fight within my own mind. There's no point being upset with myself. I've gone through alot of change. I walked away from the financial security I had found in my common law marriage. I lost opportunity, status, money and prestige.
Now I have to find it on my own. I have to face my ugly self realization that I put men on a pedestal in relationships and business. That I somehow think I need them to take care of me, when I've been disproving that everyday by becoming successful on my own terms.
So today, I choose acceptance. I chose to love the beautiful, messy and moody monster that I am. I choose to love the scared, self doubting parts of my psyche. I remind myself that I am enough, that I am worthy and that I can love myself as I transition and grow.