Friday, 26 December 2014

Time for a New Year's Resolution...

Hello Penguins!

Hope everyone is hanging in there…the holidays are tough!  I guess that's why they say take it "one day at a time!"  Sometimes, when I have to much time on my hands I start to worry about my mental health, which is not helpful at all!  So I'm going to put my energies towards coming up with some solid new years resolutions, and go through my blog and make sure I'm practicing what I preach!

For starters, I'm going to think positively about my talents and abilities and my career!  I have some great ideas brewing for social activism and the arts and can't wait to get started on meetings and grant writing!  I'd tell you guys more but as they say, "it's better to tell people what you're doing after you're done with it!"

Also, I've been really anxious about my last doctor's visit, because he told me Bipolar people all suffer with anxiety and hypomania and that I should take more drugs.  Yucky!  My antidepressants can cause those issues, so I'd rather get to the root of the problem! Good think I believe in having a balanced team when it comes to mental health. 
Anyway's peeps, its one day at a time for this penguin!

Here is an article a friend sent me, I think it has some merit…if we think we're disordered it's more likely to perpetuate the problem.  If we believe we are in recovery, one day at a time, continent on following our own recovery program, I think we all stand a chance at a great life!

Living Consciously   December 26, 2014
Dear friends,
     If the body heals itself of one thing, such as a cut finger, it can heal itself of anything.  There is a mechanism within the body, called intelligence, that knows what to do to manifest the original pattern of perfection.  What interferes with it is our own fear and negativity.  These thoughts are energetics that inform the cells and act as instructions.  It has been shown in many studies that once a “patient” is labeled as “having” something with a name, their fear factor goes up and they have a harder time thinking clearly about what is happening.
     If we could be told, for example “this is a temporary manifestation of old stresses and is not as powerful as your own mind”  we would have a very different outcome.  It is fear that runs rampant in us, in the form of a disease, but it is dis-ease itself that is at Cause.  We are so well equipped to live in health and well being that we need not get sick and die;  we can simply leave this body when we are ready to do so.  We do not have to be ravaged with disease first.
     Our culture has brainwashed us into thinking we are sickly and weak and must consume massive amounts of drugs to survive.  I am appalled at the tv commercials advising us to ask our doctors about one pharmaceutical or another.  What a terrible message!  This is yet one more way of getting people to buy what they do not need!  Drug companies are for profit businesses.  They are not health practitioners.
     We must think for ourselves.  If we are experiencing dis-ease we must counteract it with meditation, not medication!  We need to take charge of our own mind and do whatever it takes to quiet it and restore it to deep faith in our own wholeness and capacity for natural healing.  This does not mean we never take an aspirin if we have a headache.  It means if headaches are a constant in our lives, then we must take stock of our life and figure out what is the cause!  It will be some stress that we can remove; either by action or by changing our perception.  We are only victims when we forget the nature of Mind.  It makes all things new.
Stay tuned in,
Dr. Carol Carnes

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